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I'll get to cleaning out the cobwebs and old (inaccessible) email addresses soon, I hope. Remembering enough html to get this up is challenging. (Also... white text on black background? What was I thinking?)
12Jul04. This page recently moved from was a good home and delightful company. I can give an across-the-board recommendation: all the writers at produce excellent due South fanfic.
I did some slight re-arranging, separating the stories by fandom and alphabetizing.
Please let me know if you find broken links here.
Afterglow Rated R, added 12Jun00 Ray lays in bed, thinking. Unbeta'ed
Slash. Rated PG? for a kiss. Added 2Jan02 Season 3/4 didn't use
the supply closet nearly enough. Unbeta'ed.
The Chicago 1947 AU -- a WIP Ray's a hardboiled PI. Fraser
is... still Fraser. Scenes:
Pale Rated G The city is no place for a wolf. Or a Mountie. Unbeta'ed
Divest Rated
G. One of the odder things I've written. This time Fraser isn't even
trying to communicate. No beds. Based on Milford Haven by the
Fleshwound Rated
R, maybe. Added 11Apr01 Close to kink. I have issues with this
snippet, but it is as done as it's going to get. Unbeta'ed
Fleshwound:Afterthought Rated
PG, maybe. Added 17May01. This is the conversation that Ray promised
Fraser in Fleshwound. Slashy but not kinky. Unbeta'ed
Levers and
Pulleys Rated PG. My first story. No action, no dialog. Just
Fraser, thinking. Which I find amazingly sexy. Gen.
Life, Liberty,
and. . . Rated PG. Gen. It involves an imaginary car chase.
It may someday have a companion piece called The Pursuit of
Happiness but don't go holding your breath.
plot Rated PG In a perfect world, there would be a due
South movie. This is the plot synopsis. Slash. Unbeta'ed
Movie Scene: On the Edge, Looking
Over Rated PG Scene from the movie described in Movie
plot with a bumming Ray, no Fraser, and a larcenous turtle. Unbeta'ed
The Night Series -a WIP
- Midnight
Hour. Rated NC-17. Fraser thinking again. And a brief phone
- Small
Hours. Rated R. When RayK and Fraser have a heart-to-heart, they
both hear things that don't exactly please them.
- Lunch
Hour.Rated G. Still in beta, still not ready. Hot-and-sour soup
is RayK's weapon of choice.
Drag Gen. Rated G. Added 31May01 Written for a dS lyric
wheel. I have an unreasonable dislike of manicurists, and it shows in this
story. Unbeta'ed
Proposition Slash.
Rated PG for language. Added 12Jul01 Would it really take pages and
pages of provocation to get one of Our Boys to proposition the other? Or
could it be simpler than that? Unbeta'ed
Tracing Rated G. I seem to have this thing about beds. This
time it's Ray, asleep in Fraser's bed, while Fraser fils and pere
Rated G. 8Jan02 Legolas meddles in Rivendell.
Linbot made me a beautiful cover!
Impressions-- Harry Potter Rated G. Added 2Jan02 "First
years follow me!" Sirius Black and Remus Lupin arrive at Hogwarts.
Paper Sack --
Harry Potter Rated G. Added 6Dec01 Even werewolves go through
adolescent blues. Fourteen-year-old Remus Lupin throws a pity party. a dangerous time
A preslash Harry Potter series, still very rough.
- Clean
PG. Remus introduces Sirius to some facts of life. No, not
those facts of life. Sorry.
- Batten
PG. The realities of war dawn on the Marauders.
- Bludgeon
PG. Is there life after graduation? Is there hope before it?
- Trust
Some summer
jobs are better than others. Remus reflects.
- Sheriff and Thunder.
Some summer
jobs are a helluva lot more exciting than others. Sirius dodges.
Not-a-blog Rated PG
for language only. Added 17May01. Because blogs frustrate me. It's a
text file because darn it, I am not going to pretty it up. If it kills me.
This is especially ironic now that I've given up fighting the
blog/livejournal monster.
Ass backwards down a
slippery slope Rated PG (just for the title) A cautionary
tale -- I started with just an occasional, innocent X-files casefile, but
pretty soon I was reading in a half dozen fandoms, and shirking work to
support my fanfic habit. This essay -- no kidding -- is referenced in
a scholarly work. I guess that makes it my claim to fame.
recapitulates gaydom Rated G Recent history lessons.
Why I read
slash Rated PG (pretty tame) Posted amid Starsky&Hutch
fans. Other people have written far more eloquent essays on the subject,
but I remain proud of the line, "There's no missionary position for
stories Updated 11Apr01.
Happyrecs Because
sometimes I need a break from angst. Updated on 29jan03.
happyrecs from 14May02.
My preferred email
is now ,
should still work.
Page created May 2000. Revised 9Aug08.